Clachan Graveyard Mapping Project

Individual record

First name: Janet

Surname: Beaton

Maiden name: Janet MacKinnon


Date of death: 02/09/40

Place of death: Camusterrach, Applecross

Age: 78

Year of death: 1940

Date of burial:

Date of funeral: September 4, 1940

Gravestone inscription:

No gravestone exists; or not marked on a gravestone.

Home address: Camusterrach

Township: Camusterrach

Originally from:

Isle of Skye

Date of birth:


Information from Highland Council’s Register of Interments, which commenced in 1927. The owner of the lair when she died was her son Donald Beaton (Dànaidh Mòr) who was living in Ardbain. She was originally from Torrin (?), on the Isle of Skye, and was the widow of Dòmhnall Mòr Beaton, originally from Uags.

Reference number:

Interment number: 153

Graveyard section: 2

Lair number: 11


Secondary image: